Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It was pointed out to me (by my mother)that I have been neglectful in posting new pictures. So, here are some new pictures! Since we have a view of the water and I get up before the sun rises, I like to look out and watch the sun rise. Usually, I open the window so I can hear the rooster and the cows and the waves. How many times will I be able to say that I can do that without leaving my kitchen! Anyway, here are the pictures, they were taken on November 4, 2005

I ended up throwing some clothes on so that I could go outside and take some pictures. By the time I was dressed though, I was going to miss it. I ended up out on our balcony taking pictures which is where the one to the right and below were taken. The one above was taken from the kitchen window.

I am sure I will have some more sunrise and some sunset pictures.I keep telling Stephen that one day I want to drive to the other side of the island so that I can see the sunset too!


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