Friday, November 18, 2005

Hello! Sorry, no pictures this time, just thought I would write a quick update. Things are going well here. We are all getting adjusted to living on a little island. I think it is the shopping thing that is hardest for me. I am going to have to order ALOT of stuff. Stephen won't have a problem finding clothes. It is Dec and I that will have a problem. I did find a store out in Praia that does have some pretty nice stuff and it isn't too expensive. They had real wool sweaters for 19 Euros. That is like $22!

Stephen FINALLY started work this week. He is working nights till January and then he will be switching to days. He seems to like it but is going to have to get used to not being busy all the time. He registered at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University last week so he is officially a part time student. He has enough credits to get his Associates degree through the Community College of the Air Force, so now he is working on his Bachelors. He is hoping to be pretty close to completing it when we leave here.

I think that I am going to take some classes too. The other day I took the English composition CLEP practice test and if it was the real thing, I would have passed and gotten college credits for it. I just need to get up to the education center and do it. I will probably wait till after the holidays though. All of our stuff should FINALLY be here the week after Thanksgiving and I want to have it all unpacked and boxes gone pretty quick! I have a feeling that we will be unpacking saying "Why did we bring this?". That is OK though because they have a "flea market" once a month on base and there is always ebay! (I have been spending enough time on ebay lately, I might as wall make some money rather than spend it.)

Declan is doing pretty good. He seem to be doing better in school. There were a few problems the first couple weeks but this week he got a stamp everyday for being good. So, since he was good all week, we are making chocolate chip cookies this weekend. I think that part of the problem he was having was that everything was new. Now he is making friends and enjoying things a little more. Now we go on base and he is waving away to all his friends he sees. We went to the Sunday Brunch that they have at the Enlisted/Officers club and I think he saw more people he knew than Stephen did. The brunch was pretty good too!

That is about all from here. Hopefully next week I will have some pictures. Depending on how the weather is maybe we will take a drive somewhere. One night I want to go out after dark to see all the holiday lights in Praia. They were putting them up the last time we went down there and it should be very pretty.


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