Friday, October 21, 2005

On Monday morning Stephen had to go check in at work and then he rented a car. That meant that we could go adventuring! We took a drive off base through the villages of Lajes up to a town called Biscoitos. The scenery is beutiful no matter where you look. At one point there were rocky cliffs with waves crashing against them on one side and the other direction there was lush green fields bordered by stone walls with black and white cattle grazing going up the side of the mountain. Here are a few pictures from that drive.

On Tuesday, we went "house hunting". A nice Portuguese man, Tony, from the housing office drove us around and translated for us. We saw 4 houses. Of course the one we likes was too far away to drive to and from everyday. It has a beautiful room and a seperate building with a bar, a big fireplace, a full bathroom and another room that could be used for a guest bedroom. It was on top of a hill and had a GORGEOUS view. 25 minutes to and from the base was a little too far though. I did get some nice pictures though! The village was called Biscoitos. Tony (the housing guy) told us that the town was named that because the lava rocks on the coast remind you of biscuits (the drop biscuits) before they are baked. When you look at the pictures, you will see the resemblance. I am sure we will go back there on a nice sunny day and I will get more pictures. Here are the ones I got:


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