Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hello again! I just wanted to keep you all updated. We moved into a house on base yesterday. We have views of the ocean (and beautiful green fields with cows in the back of the house) from all our windows and can hear cows mooing and a rooster crowing! So far we only have part of our stuff. The rest should be here soon. At least we have furniture! The government supplied stuff isn't too bad. Our living room and dining room will be all cherry finish. The dining room has a nice big table and we will be getting a china cabinet to match the table. Our bedroom is also cherry and Dec's room is oak finish. It is sad to say, this is the nicest furniture we have ever had, and it isn't even ours! Once everything is here and we get all settled in, I will take pictures and post them. We will have the internet by then. Now that our phone is working, we can sign up for the internet. After that it will be about 8 days before it is working. (Nothing is done in a hurry here.)

The weather here has been great! Yesterday it was in the low 70's and there was a nice breeze. Today, it is cloudy and it is supposed to rain. That is on top of the 45 mph winds. I am going to have to tie a rope to Dec to keep him from blowing away!I will check in again soon. Maybe next time it will be from my own computer at home.


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