Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween everyone! What a Halloween it is too. I am not sure how much trick or treating Dec will get to do since it is rainy and windy. I am not talking about a little windy. I believe the weather warning Stephen read said winds to 58 mph tonight. I just went and closed the shades (they are roll down shades on the outside of the window) in the living room because you could see the whole window moving when there was a strong gust. Dec is at school still and Stephen is at work getting some training stuff done. Not much to do around here. I wish I had the fabric I need to make curtains for the house. Then I would have something to do. I have my sewing machine but with no fabric, it isn't much good. I promise to post a picture of Declan in his costume. He is going to be Darth Vader.


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