Thursday, November 03, 2005


I just wanted to post some new pictures. Today we went to Praia da Vitoria. It is the next town over and is one of the 2 cities on the island. There is a statue of the Virgin Mary on the hill that overlooks the harbor. From the hill there is a GORGEOUS view of the city. Here are some of the pictures that I took:

In this picture is the ship that the rest of our stuff is on! We hope. If it is on this ship, we should have it all by this time next week.

And one last picture. There were some American's enjoying the view also so I asked them to take a picture of the 3 of us.

Before I forget, I will also be posting a picture of Darth Vader on Halloween on Declan's Days so be sure to check it out!


Blogger K said...

Hey! A comment from someone you actually know!

It's great to see a picture of the THREE of you! What a beautiful place...Must be the Portagees!

10:16 PM  

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