Thursday, February 02, 2006

Look kids Big Ben...Parliament!
Here are some of the pictures that Stephen took on his trip to England. He and the other guys he was with spent a day in London. He said one day wasn't enough. The got to see the big tourist things. Maybe someday the 3 of us can go! I have learned through the lovely AFN (American Forces Network) "commercials" that name Big Ben does not refer to the clock, but the chimes.

This is the Tower Bridge. It is mistakenly called the London Bridge but that is actually the next bridge upstream on the River Thames.(I know I thought it was too, till I did a little research on the internet.) This bridge was built between 1886 and 1894.

This is the Tower of London. According to the info that I have found online, it is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. It was built by William the Conqueror on the site of a fortress that had been built by Roman Emperor, Claudius, a thousand years earlier. Each king added to the fortress by building walls and Richard the 1st, added a moat fed by the River Thames around the 12th century. In 1830 the moat was drained. If you want to read more about it go to Tower of London Tour .

This is the Chapel of St John the Evangelist. It was where the royal family and court worshipped. It also is where the night before a coronation the knights of the Order of Bath spent their vigil. I have read that it is said to be a perfect example of Norman architecture in England.

The original Royal "throne"

These are several of the "tools" that were used. One is a the block and axe that were used for beheadings(Above). The other is "The Rack", used for torture.


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