Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Around the Island

Since Stephen is now working day shift, we have more opportunities to go out and do some exploring. Today, we picked Dec up at school and then took a drive. We ended up driving around the island! First we stopped in Biscoitos to see how big the waves were. Compared to what we saw the last time we were there, these were small. Compared to anything we have ever seen anywhere else, they were big! It was a beautiful afternoon and the sun was shining. The first 3 pictures were taken out the car window as we were driving.

These pictures were taken in Biscoitos. They have made cement pads to walk and sit on through the lava rock since there is no sand. I am sure in the summer there are lots of people enjoying the water. Looking at this nice calm water, you wouldn't guess what the water was like on the other side of those rocks!

Yes, the water is REALLY that color! It is one of the prettiest blues that I have ever seen!

These were taken at Miradouro do Raminho. The sign said the altitude is 155 meters (508 ft). From what I could tell from the sign, the miradouro was originally built in 1950 and then destroyed in 1980 by a sismo, which I believe is an earthquake. It was then rebuilt in 1994. The view was so beautiful and it was in the middle of nowhere do it was so peaceful. The only sound you could here was the waves below and the leaves on the trees blowing in the wind.

Well, hopefully I will have some more pictures to show you next week. Dec is on vacation and Stephen gets out of work at 3 so we will be able to take a few drives.


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