Sunday, April 09, 2006

Window with a View

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This video was taken from our kitchen window. We look out over the Atlantic. It is always neat to look out and see what the conditions are out there. Somedays, I am really glad I don't have to be out there! Today was one of them!

More pictures!

Well, this thing with Stephen working day shift seems to be really working out. This afternoon we took a little drive to Porto Martin (pronounce Marteen). It was beautiful like everywhere else on this island. Porto Martin is where alot of Americans live. These were taken from 2 different places on that part of the island.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


These are a couple videos that Stephen took when we went to watch the waves.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Around the Island

Since Stephen is now working day shift, we have more opportunities to go out and do some exploring. Today, we picked Dec up at school and then took a drive. We ended up driving around the island! First we stopped in Biscoitos to see how big the waves were. Compared to what we saw the last time we were there, these were small. Compared to anything we have ever seen anywhere else, they were big! It was a beautiful afternoon and the sun was shining. The first 3 pictures were taken out the car window as we were driving.

These pictures were taken in Biscoitos. They have made cement pads to walk and sit on through the lava rock since there is no sand. I am sure in the summer there are lots of people enjoying the water. Looking at this nice calm water, you wouldn't guess what the water was like on the other side of those rocks!

Yes, the water is REALLY that color! It is one of the prettiest blues that I have ever seen!

These were taken at Miradouro do Raminho. The sign said the altitude is 155 meters (508 ft). From what I could tell from the sign, the miradouro was originally built in 1950 and then destroyed in 1980 by a sismo, which I believe is an earthquake. It was then rebuilt in 1994. The view was so beautiful and it was in the middle of nowhere do it was so peaceful. The only sound you could here was the waves below and the leaves on the trees blowing in the wind.

Well, hopefully I will have some more pictures to show you next week. Dec is on vacation and Stephen gets out of work at 3 so we will be able to take a few drives.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Stephen's Trip to Rota, Spain

Stephen got home from his 2 week trip to Rota Spain about 2 weeks ago. Yes, that is where we were before we went to North Carolina. Stephen was there helping the squadron there. It is the first time he has been back to a base that we have lived at. It has been 6 years since he was there and he said that it looks run down. I guess alot of MWR things (Morale Welfare and Recreation) things that were there are closed now. There was a nice craft/hobby shop where you could buy craft supplies and do ceramics that is now in a smaller building, there was a good burger place at the bowling alley that is now closed. Stephen also said the marina on base is closed. They are building a "mini mall" for the Navy Exchange though. Here are some pictures!

This is the house that Stephen and I lived in on base. Still looks exactly the same!

This is the Hotel Caribe. Stephen and I stayed here with the cats when we first arrived in Spain in July of '98. I think our room was in the second row from the top, second balcony in. There is a really nice pool that the balcony overlooked.

This is the beach in Rota. I am not a big beach person but I liked going to this one!

One of the cathedrals in Rota.

This is downtown Rota near the marina. One of the bars that Stephen used to go to is near here.

The light house in Rota at the marina in Rota.

This is Pizza Villa, the pizza place on base. There was a "satellite" Pizza Villa right across the street from our house where we lived on base.

This was one of our favorite resturants. The Americans called it "Chicken in the Dirt" because it was known for the chicken they served and the parking lot was dirt. By the time we got there, they had paved the parking lot but it was still known as "Chicken in the Dirt". I think the real name was Venta la Rufana. Stephen and I used to go here and he would have a beer or 2, I would have a couple sodas, appetizers, dinner and dessert. We would spend less than $20 including the tip!

This is the house, well the fence outside the house we rented before we moved on base. Someone was moving in the day Stephen drove by so he couldn't get a good picture of it.

This is a beach near the house we rented. We used to drive here and then walk along the remains of a fortress.

This is the mall in el Puerto de Santa Maria. There is a Toys R Us and Mc Donalds!

These cutout things are all over the place between Rota and Jerez. They are for Osborne Sherry that is made in Jerez.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Snetterton Race Circuit Of course what would a visit to a foreign country be without a visit to a race track.

Look kids Big Ben...Parliament!
Here are some of the pictures that Stephen took on his trip to England. He and the other guys he was with spent a day in London. He said one day wasn't enough. The got to see the big tourist things. Maybe someday the 3 of us can go! I have learned through the lovely AFN (American Forces Network) "commercials" that name Big Ben does not refer to the clock, but the chimes.

This is the Tower Bridge. It is mistakenly called the London Bridge but that is actually the next bridge upstream on the River Thames.(I know I thought it was too, till I did a little research on the internet.) This bridge was built between 1886 and 1894.

This is the Tower of London. According to the info that I have found online, it is the oldest palace, fortress and prison in Europe. It was built by William the Conqueror on the site of a fortress that had been built by Roman Emperor, Claudius, a thousand years earlier. Each king added to the fortress by building walls and Richard the 1st, added a moat fed by the River Thames around the 12th century. In 1830 the moat was drained. If you want to read more about it go to Tower of London Tour .

This is the Chapel of St John the Evangelist. It was where the royal family and court worshipped. It also is where the night before a coronation the knights of the Order of Bath spent their vigil. I have read that it is said to be a perfect example of Norman architecture in England.

The original Royal "throne"

These are several of the "tools" that were used. One is a the block and axe that were used for beheadings(Above). The other is "The Rack", used for torture.
This is the London Eye. It is 135 meters high and the 6th tallest structure in London. It takes 30 minutes to go around completely and you can see up to 25 miles. Click here for more information London Eye

They are definitely not referring to MY Stephen as a saint!

This is Trafalgar Square. It was built to commemorate Admiral Lord Nelson's 1805 victory in the Battle of Trafalgar(during the Napoleonic Wars) The column is 185 ft tall with a 17 ft high statue of Nelson.

Surrounding the square are the National Gallery and St. Martin's.

Piccadilly Circus

These ones are of some buildings that Stephen thought were interesting.

I think this is an interesting picture. There is the 1000 year old Tower of London and that very modern building in one shot.